2021-12-25: Sympathizing Saviour

John 1:1-14 On Christmas Day, we’ll return to the text with which we began the advent season and consider from another angle the wonder of what John tells us about ‘the Word become flesh.’ In our times of heartache and trial, it’s profoundly meaningful to lean on someone who has...

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John 8:12-30 Advent Series: One of the emphases of John’s gospel–in fact, the emphasis with which he begins his gospel–is that Jesus existed before the incarnation.  Though that’s commonly understood among us as Christians, consider the strangeness and the offense this idea presented to John’s first readers: a man who spoke of...

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2021-12-12: Sent to Satisfy

John 6:22-59 Advent Series: One of the emphases of John’s gospel–in fact, the emphasis with which he begins his gospel–is that Jesus existed before the incarnation.  Though that’s commonly understood among us as Christians, consider the strangeness and the offense this idea presented to John’s first readers: a man who spoke...

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2021-12-05: Sent to Save

John 3:1-21 Advent Series: One of the emphases of John’s gospel–in fact, the emphasis with which he begins his gospel–is that Jesus existed before the incarnation.  Though that’s commonly understood among us as Christians, consider the strangeness and the offense this idea presented to John’s first readers: a man who spoke of...

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2021-11-28: The Word Became Flesh

John 1:1-18 Advent Series: One of the emphases of John’s gospel–in fact, the emphasis with which he begins his gospel–is that Jesus existed before the incarnation.  Though that’s commonly understood among us as Christians, consider the strangeness and the offense this idea presented to John’s first readers: a man who spoke of...

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2021-11-14: All In: Do Not Murder

Luke 6:27-36 Summary: The sixth commandment certainly means that the church needs to think deeply about the ethics of life and death—whether that’s abortion, medically assisted dying, capital punishment, or warfare.  But as Jesus and the catechism state so clearly, the sixth commandment aims even deeper into the heart, forbidding...

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Ephesians 6: 1-9 Summary: Authority can be a very difficult reality…both for those under authority and those in authority.  And especially when compared to many other civilizations and cultures, 21st century North America doesn’t train us to have a very high view of authority.  But authority is precious and important enough...

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Exodus 3:7-15 / Lord’s Day 36 (Q&A 99, 100) Summary: Quite naturally, the third commandment most easily brings to mind the responsibility we have to never speak about God in ways that are disrespectful or irreverent. But are there other ways, besides our speech, in which we misuse God’s name?...

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2021-10-11: From Entitled to Grateful

Psalm 65 Summary: Entitlement is the enemy of gratitude. The more we think we deserve something, the less likely we are to be thankful we’ve received it. That’s why it’s good for us to listen to the prayers of saints who’ve gone before us and pay attention to what stirs...

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