2022-12-11: (Advent #3) O Clavis

Scripture: Romans 7:7-25 Advent Week 3: Clavis is the Latin word for “key,” and though Christ is never explicitly called “the key” in scripture, it’s an image that’s frequently connected to him (e.g. Isaiah 22:22; Rev. 1:18), as is the image of release from prison (e.g. Isaiah 42:7). In celebration...

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2022-12-04: (Advent #2) O Adonai

Scripture: Exodus 33:17-34:9 Advent Week 2 : Adonai is the Hebrew word for “Lord” that the Jews have long used whenever they encounter the name “Yahweh” in the scriptures (in order to avoid using God’s name in an irreverent manner). Yahweh is the name that God gave to Moses at...

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2022-11-27: (Advent #1) O Sapientia

Scripture: 1 Kings 3:1-15 Advent Series: This Advent, we’ll be looking at five (of seven) names for Jesus that Christians have meditated on every Advent since about the sixth century.  These names come from what are known as the “O Antiphons” (short chants that all begin with the word “O” and...

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Scripture: Revelation 2:12-17 Synopsis: Pergamum is commended for holding on to their faith in spite of the constant threat of persecution.  Yet Christ has some very sharp words for those who are holding to the teachings of Balaam and the Nicolaitans.  The issue in both cases is one of compromise with the cultural...

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2022-11-06: The Afflicted Faithful

Scripture: Revelation 2:8-11 Synopsis: Smyrna is one of only two churches in Revelation that receives no word of rebuke from Christ (the other is Philadelphia).  Their biggest struggle was not some form of unfaithfulness; it was persecution.  Smyrna was a hard place to follow Jesus, and as Christ indicates in v.10, it...

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Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7   Synopsis: The letter or message to the church in Ephesus is the first of Christ’s seven personal addresses to seven specific churches (Rev. 2-3).  Ephesus was a church that was strong on orthodoxy–on insisting that its members were discipled according to the truth and away from error. ...

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Scripture: Revelation 1:9-20 Synopsis: One way of describing Revelation’s message is that things are not as they appear.  John is living at a time when the Roman Empire is ruthlessly persecuting Christians (John is himself in exile for his faith).  More than that, the allures of worldliness, immorality, and idolatry were...

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