Isaiah 46 / Lord’s Day 35 (Q&A 96, 97, 98) Summary: The Reformation brought some significant changes to our worship practices. While some Reformed churches, like Calvin, will include works of art depicting Christ in human form, long gone are the days of trying to worship God through statues or...

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2021-10-03: All In: No Other Gods

Deuteronomy 18:9-14 / Lord’s Day 34 (Q&A 94, 95 only) Summary: The first commandment begins in much the same place that marriage vows begin: exclusivity. To really enter into this relationship, God says, it’s not enough to simply promise to love me–like a bride, you must forsake all others. “Having...

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2021-09-26: Saltiness… Being at Peace

Mark 9:38-50 Summary: These verses from Mark’s gospel may seem disjointed, yet together they remind us that not everyone who gives a cup of water in the name of Jesus does it the same way. Yet we are to commit ourselves to follow Christ in all of life. As we...

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2021-09-05: The Covenant-Making God

Genesis 8:20-9:17 Summary: Imagine the fear and uncertainty with which Noah and his family would have had to live had God not made the promise he does in this text. Could another flood come at any moment and wipe us out…maybe this time for good? But here after the flood...

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2021-08-29: The Shelter of the Ark

Genesis 6:9-8:22 Summary: The story of the flood confronts us with two realities of which we are often inclined to lose sight: the severity of human sin and the supremacy of God’s holiness. We can only make sense of the story if sin is actually far worse than we’re inclined...

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Genesis 6:1-8 Summary: Genesis 6:5 famously gives one of the most comprehensive descriptions of human sinfulness in scripture: every intention…only evil…continually. Sin has so thoroughly corrupted God’s image-bearers and His creation that He is described as regretting having even made human beings. Though it’s not a popular notion, we cannot...

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2021-08-15: The Hope of Culture

Genesis 4:17-26; (5:1-32) Summary: Is our culture good or bad? Most of us immediately recognize that this isn’t a very helpful question since our culture, like all human cultures, is a mix of both. We find that same ambiguity in the line of Cain. Cain had some descendants who were...

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2021-08-08: Sin’s Deadly Power

Genesis 4:1-16 Summary: Genesis 4 is an account of life in God’s once very good creation going from bad to worse. Despite God’s gracious warning that Cain’s anger was a prowling force waiting to devour him, Cain let his envy fester to the point of murdering his own brother. We...

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