2022-09-11: One Body…Many Members

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
Synopsis: This Sunday’s text provides one of those metaphors that’s so familiar it risks becoming cliche: the church is the body of Christ.  As we begin a new season of ministry together, we’ll revisit this ancient metaphor to be reminded of who God made us to be for one another as a congregation.  Part of what makes the body such a fitting metaphor is that it emphasizes the need for both unity and diversity in any given church.  Just like we need a variety of body parts to perform a diversity of tasks, so does the church need a variety of gifts and personalities.  Yet this diversity is for the purpose of serving and blessing one another as a unified body.  This Sunday we’ll think together about how this metaphor calls us to appreciate and serve on another as fellow members of Christ.

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