2022-09-04: You Have Known Me

Scripture: Psalm 139
Synopsis: On the one hand, most of us don’t want to be all that deeply known by that many people.  For understandable reasons, this is an age where we’re particularly concerned about our privacy.  But even with those close to us, we have a tendency to want to hide certain parts of ourselves.  It’s intimidating, if not scary to be fully known.  Psalm 139 famously extols the One from whom there is no getting away and no hiding.  He who fashioned us in our mother’s womb not only knows every step we take, He knows every word we speak and every thought we think.  And while we who like to hide might be inclined to find that somewhat distressing, it’s one thing to be fully known by a fellow sinner whose love for us might dwindle or fade.  It’s quite another thing to be fully known by the triune God who died to make us His very own.  At bottom, our souls actually crave to be fully known and yet fully loved by someone who will never leave nor forsake us.  This greatest of joys is ours in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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