2016-03-13: Stewards of the Gospel
Posted on March 13, 2016 | Pastor: Pastor Craig Hoekema1 Corinthians 4:1-5 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful...
2016-03-06: Stewards of ‘Money’
Posted on March 6, 2016 | Pastor: Pastor Craig Hoekema2 Corinthians 8:1-15 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful...
2016-02-28: Stewards of Time
Posted on February 28, 2016 | Pastor: Pastor Craig HoekemaPsalm 90 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful way...
2016-02-21: Stewards of ‘Talents’
Posted on February 21, 2016 | Pastor: Pastor Craig HoekemaMatthew 25:14-30 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful way...
2016-01-24: Hooked on Christ
Posted on January 24, 2016 | Pastor: Pastor Craig HoekemaMatthew 4:18-22
2016-01-17: You are My Witness
Posted on January 17, 2016 | Pastor: Pastor Craig HoekemaIsaiah 43:8-13
2016-01-10: You Are Mine
Posted on January 10, 2016 | Pastor: Pastor Craig HoekemaIsaiah 43:1-7
2015-12-27: The Greater Father
Posted on December 27, 2015 | Pastor: Pastor Craig HoekemaLuke 2:41-52
2015-12-25: The Gift of God
Posted on December 25, 2015 | Pastor: Pastor Craig HoekemaRomans 6:15-23 At Christmas, we rightly celebrate the gift of Jesus with joy and thanksgiving. Yet it’s worth noting how many in Jesus’ day did not receive him with joy and thanksgiving. As John noted in his gospel, “He came to that which was his own, but his own did...
2015-12-20: The Pharisees and The Unwanted Gift play
Posted on December 20, 2015 | Pastor: Pastor Craig HoekemaJohn 8:48-59 At Christmas, we rightly celebrate the gift of Jesus with joy and thanksgiving. Yet it’s worth noting how many in Jesus’ day did not receive him with joy and thanksgiving. As John noted in his gospel, “He came to that which was his own, but his own did...
Sermon Speakers
- Bryan Hummel (3)
- Jonathan Patrick (1)
- Pastor Bernie Bakker (5)
- Pastor Craig Hoekema (247)
- Pastor Ron Hosmar (12)
- Pastor Sid Ypma (9)