1 Corinthians 13: 1-7 Summary: Scripture often highlights the importance of our thought-life in our spiritual growth. For example, Jesus tells us to love God with all our mind; Paul tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind and to take every thought captive and make it...

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2016-05-22: But Have Not Love

1 Corinthians 13: 1-7 Summary: Paul is writing to a church that is extremely gifted and active in ministry, and yet at the core of much of their activity is a lot of pride and competitiveness—and therefore division. Paul begins (v.1-3) with a sober reminder that all of their ‘accomplishments’...

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2016-05-15: Not as Orphans

John 14:15-27 Summary: Jesus’ is speaking to the disciples in light of the fact that he will not be with them much longer before he ascends to heaven. His main point is to comfort and assure them that he is not abandoning them and will come to them through His...

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2016-05-08: The Lord is King

Psalm 93 Summary: In one sentence, the theme of Psalm 93 is that Jesus Christ is the eternal King of the universe and therefore we need not be afraid of anything. Psalm 93 uses the metaphor of raging floodwaters–a symbol of chaos and uncertainty and vulnerability and fear–to illustrate God’s...

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2016-04-17: Choose Truth

Psalm 119:105 As we reflect on what it means that God’s word is a “lamp to our feet” and a “light to our path,” we’ll consider four major questions, the answers to which have great impact on our lives. We’ll think about some wrong or misleading ways of answering those...

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2016-04-10: Feed My Sheep

John 21:15-25 In our text this Sunday, Jesus demonstrates tremendous grace to Peter by reinstating him to ministry after he had denied Jesus. He invites Peter to give three professions of his love parallel to the three times he had denied Him. And in light of Peter’s love, Jesus commissions...

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John 21:1-14 Our text this Sunday gives us another glimpse into the profoundly gracious character of Jesus. Each of the disciples had abandoned Jesus during his time of greatest need, and yet, rather than coming to them in a scolding or disappointed tone, Jesus serves them–he fills their nets and...

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2016-03-27: That You May Believe

John 20:24-31 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful way...

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Mark 13:33-39 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful way...

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