1 Kings 19:1-18
Elijah’s deep sense of despair might seem puzzling after such a dramatic victory over Baal and his prophets in the previous chapter, but it’s precisely because this victory did not accomplish what Elijah expected (the revival of Israel) that he despairs and concludes that his entire ministry had been in vain. In response, God reveals himself to Elijah, not in the wind, earthquake or fire, but in the sound of sheer silence. He’s teaching Elijah that just because he cannot see God’s hand at work in dramatic and spectacular ways doesn’t mean God is not accomplishing his purposes. This is the same God whose most spectacular redemption came through something as unexpected as a human being dying a criminal’s death. Elijah’s story reminds us that even in our day by day ordinary faithfulness, God is all the while writing his story…and one day all the ashes will be gone and only beauty will remain.