2022-02-13: Christ-like Maturity (GEMS and CADETS Sunday)

Colossians 1:28-29
It’s natural if not unavoidable for kids to be interested in being more mature.  At a certain age, kids don’t want to be thought of as ‘little’ anymore but as blossoming young women and men. The Apostle Paul would identify this as a very good and healthy impulse.  He says in Colossians 1 that the great labor of his life was to encourage others toward ‘maturity in Christ.’  The important thing is to understand what maturity looks like.  This Sunday, we’ll consider with the GEMS and Cadets some of the common ideas about maturity that are either relatively unimportant or even mistaken, and instead we’ll paint a portrait of Christ-like maturity.  As girls and boys develop these Christ-like attributes, they become more mature women and men in the most important and valuable sense.

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