2021-08-22: Humanity’s Greatest Threat

Genesis 6:1-8

Summary: Genesis 6:5 famously gives one of the most comprehensive descriptions of human sinfulness in scripture: every intention…only evil…continually. Sin has so thoroughly corrupted God’s image-bearers and His creation that He is described as regretting having even made human beings. Though it’s not a popular notion, we cannot make sense of the flood account or of scripture as a whole without this thoroughly disheartening understanding of how great is human wickedness and how deeply offensive it is to God. At the same time, neither can we understand the depths of the gospel apart from it. God’s favour on Noah (v.8) is a foreshadowing of His ultimate favour on His only begotten Son–Whom He loves–in Whom He is well pleased. The astounding truth of the gospel is that because of the righteousness of Christ that is ours by faith, God looks upon us with the same love and pleasure.

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