
2021-05-30: On All the LORD’s People

Numbers 11:1-30

Summary: Israel’s grumbling about food becomes the occasion for Moses to express a crisis in leadership. He is exhausted and in utter despair (v. 15). In response, God graciously agrees to distribute the burden of leadership by placing His Spirit upon 70 elders (72 including Eldad and Medad – v.26ff). Moses’ wistful desire that the LORD would pour His Spirit out on all people (v.29) reminds us what a gift it is to live in the post-Pentecost people of God–to be surrounded by brothers and sisters who are equipped by God’s Spirit to share in the task of ministry. This Sunday we’ll give thanks specifically for the gift of faithful elders and deacons, and we’ll remember the call and empowering Spirit of God on each one of us to participate in God’s work in and beyond the walls of the church.

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