Romans 9:10-18
Series Summary: This is the second of a four part series entitled The Depths of Grace in which we’ll be examining our Reformed doctrine of grace through the lens of what are commonly called the “Five Points” of Calvinism. These five doctrines, often summarized by the acronym TULIP, are: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints (those following Jim Osterhouse’s book will note he re-titles these doctrines to give the acronym FAITH). Together these doctrines articulate the Biblical emphasis on how we can be completely assured of our salvation because it depends not at all on what we’ve done but entirely on what God has done for us.
This Week’s Message: This week we’ll look at the doctrine of Unconditional Election as it’s articulated in Romans 9. All Christians accept some doctrine of election (it’s a biblical term). Many embrace what can be called “Conditional Election,” which teaches that God chooses to save those whom he foreknows will believe in Christ. “Unconditional Election” is the teaching that God chooses to save based on his own pleasure and good will and not based on any condition he foreknows we’ll meet. In fact, prior to God electing us, scripture teaches that we are incapable of turning to God (Total Depravity), and therefore God must choose us unconditionally or we’d have no hope.