2016-03-27: That You May Believe

John 20:24-31 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful way to examine the patterns and […]

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Mark 13:33-39 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful way to examine the patterns and […]

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2016-03-13: Stewards of the Gospel

1 Corinthians 4:1-5 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful way to examine the patterns […]

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2 Corinthians 8:1-15 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful way to examine the patterns […]

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2016-02-28: Stewards of Time

Psalm 90 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful way to examine the patterns and […]

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2016-02-21: Stewards of ‘Talents’

Matthew 25:14-30 This lent, we’ll be doing a series on Stewardship. Christians throughout the ages and still today have observed Lent with a temporary change in lifestyle—either giving something up (e.g. certain foods or luxuries) or taking something on (e.g. renewed commitment to prayer). Many find this a meaningful way to examine the patterns and […]

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