Ephesians 2:1-10 This is the first of a four part series entitled The Depths of Grace in which we’ll be examining our Reformed doctrine of grace through the lens of what are commonly called the “Five Points” of Calvinism. These five doctrines, often summarized by the acronym TULIP, are: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited […]
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 The famous phrase ‘under the sun’ is what sets Ecclesiastes apart from any other book in the Bible. It is a strictly secular view of life–life only as it appears ‘under the sun’ without an awareness of God’s love or eternal life. Its purpose is to make us see the vanity (or […]
Revelation 21:1-8 Revelation 21, like the rest of the book, is a vision given to suffering and tempted Christians to encourage them to persevere in their faith in Jesus Christ. In this case, it’s a vision of the glory that awaits us on the day of Christ’s return. Not only will death and mourning and […]
Romans 8:17-25 Romans 8 is one of a number of places in scripture that reminds us of our eternal hope in the renewal of this creation, including the renewal of ourselves (body & soul). Which means that when we as Christians long for the return of Christ, we’re not longing for an escape from […]
Matthew 6:19-24 Jesus uses three metaphors to call us away from an ungodly attachment to material wealth—the metaphor of treasure (vv19-21), eye sight (vv22-23), and serving a master (v24). In each case, Jesus is not trying to be a kill-joy to keep us from enjoying life. Quite the opposite—these admonitions come from a heart of […]
Colossians 3:1-11 When Paul tells us that our life “is hidden with Christ in God,” he means there’s something true about us that can’t be seen just by looking at us; namely, that we are immortal saints. Having been raised with Christ, we’re already perfect in God’s eyes (saints) and already possess eternal life (immortal). […]
Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 When the writer of Hebrews identifies faith as the “conviction of things not seen,” he means that faith is forward-looking—anticipatory. Faith expects and longs for what it does not yet have. This is what we see played out in the lives of the ‘ancestors’ mentioned in this chapter (and in the life […]
Acts 7:54-8:3 This morning we’ll be participating in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. When the early Christians had to choose a word to identify those who had suffered intensely and even given their lives for their faith, it would make sense if they had chosen a word that identified them as […]
Philippians 1:1-11 This is the sixth and final sermon of a 6-part series on our new Vision Statement. This Sunday morning we’ll focus on the phrase “….life-long discipleship.” The opening verses of Philippians hold together two great (although seemingly paradoxical) truths of scripture: God loves us unconditionally just the way we are, and yet God […]
Ephesians 4:1-16 This is the fifth of a 6-part series on our new Vision Statement. This Sunday morning we’ll focus on the phrase, “…enfolding fellowship…” Ephesians 4 is another one of the many places in which Paul urges the church to live in unity and with a deep devotion to one another. Our unity is […]