2019-11-17: Yet I Will Rejoice

Habakkuk 3 Summary: Habakkuk paints for us one of the most difficult realities of the life of faith–that often it requires trusting God in the face of suffering and evil that make absolutely no sense to us. As he faces the wickedness of his own nation and the impending Babylonian invasion, Habakkuk learns to lean […]

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2019-11-10: Wrath and Refuge

Nahum 1 Summary: Nahum may be one of the least popular of the minor prophets for its graphic depictions of God’s wrath toward Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. Apparently the repentance inspired by Jonah was short-lived, and Nahum is tasked with proclaiming a day of wrath and punishment for a city that was known for […]

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Psalm 63 Summary: In Psalm 63, David expresses the desire for soul-filling, personal fellowship with God, and he pursues this fellowship (he says in verse 6) through meditation. As a supplement to our previous spiritual discipline (Scripture reading), this week we’ll explore the discipline of meditating on the Scriptures. Simply put, meditation is taking the […]

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2019-10-20: Who Is a God Like You?

Micah 2-3, 7:18-20 Summary: Micah summarizes his own understanding of his calling (3:8) as a responsibility to declare to God’s people their transgression and sin. Some of the specific sins he condemns are land theft (2:2,9), corrupt leadership (3:11), and idolatry (5:12-14). His preaching was not popular as many didn’t want to hear that God […]

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2019-10-14: Thanksgiving in Hindsight

Psalm 105 Summary: So often, as God’s people, we need the perspective that only hindsight can give. Events in our lives that didn’t go at all the way we would have chosen, in hindsight, turn out to be profound evidences of the goodness and wisdom of God. That’s the role of Psalm 105 in the […]

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2019-10-13: A Prophet in Need of Mercy

Jonah 3 & 4 Summary: The book of Jonah would have such an uplifting ending if only it stopped at chapter 3. Instead, it ends on a very sour note and with a bit of a cliff-hanger in terms of Jonah’s ultimate relationship with God. The final chapter spells out that the real reason Jonah […]

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2019-09-29: The Usefulness of Scripture

2 Timothy 3:14-17 Summary: To a young pastor ministering to a small church in very difficult circumstances, Paul’s dying encouragement is simply to continue in the scriptures. Such is Paul’s confidence in the Word of God to preserve, strengthen, and grow the church. The disciplined intake of scripture is the most transformative Spiritual Discipline available […]

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2019-09-22: Training in Godliness

1 Timothy 4:6-10 Summary: This Sunday will be an introduction to the Spiritual Disciplines–what they accomplish and why they matter. The word that the Apostle Paul uses when telling Timothy to “train” in godliness is the word from which we get the English “gymnasium.” It’s a word that entails persistent effort and routine. Much like […]

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2019-09-08: Pride of Edom

Obadiah 1-21 Summary: Obadiah is in its entirety a prophecy against Israel’s extended family and neighbours to the South. The Edomites are the descendants of Jacob’s brother, Esau. God’s issue with Edom, in one word, is her pride (v.3) which manifested itself most heinously in Edom’s gloating over, looting, and even betrayal of Israel at […]

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2019-09-01: Seek God and Live

Amos 5: 1-7 Summary: Amos ministered in a time of great religiosity but very little real relationship with God. The people’s lives were marked by empty religious ritual and rampant social corruption that was particularly cruel to the poor. God reveals through Amos that he hates religion without transformation…religion that neither ‘seeks God’ (v. 4,6) […]

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