Quilting group meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday morning here in Calvin’s basement from 10:00 a.M. – 3:00 p.M.
You are welcome to bring your sewing machine and lunch and join them. The Calvin Quilters’ aim is to provide quilts, of varying sizes and many colours, to children who are in unhappy circumstances. Bringing warmth to those receiving the quilts, purpose to our crafting, enjoyment in our friendships and exchange as fellow-workers, and joy in doing all this as apprentices of our God, the great CREATOR, CRAFTER and COLOURIST.
For more information, please contact the church office at office@calvincrc.ca.

Ministry Highlights
1. Can you describe this ministry to us please? What is it’s purpose?
2. How often does it meet, and where?
3. What do you do on/during a typical meeting time?
4. How do you think this ministry fits into the vision of Calvin “to become more passionate followers of Jesus Christ, used by God to transform lives through confident outreach, wholehearted worship, enfolding fellowship and lifelong discipleship?”
5. Do you have a story about how this ministry has impacted those who are participating in it? <
6. How can we assist this ministry and pray for it? <