Our ETM group is made up of teens in grades 7-8. They partner with CIA every other Tuesday evening from 7:00 – 9:00 pm from September to May inclusively for fellowship, faith-building, and food. CIA and ETM share a leadership team composed of the Pastor of Youth and Congregational Life and five other adult leaders who love youth.
Once again, we will be combining grades 7 – 8, our ETM group, with CIA meetings, with our ETM’rs being taught the catechism .
They will be on a 2 week rotation of Catechism, with week number 2 joining CIA for our Missional nights and other events.
The contact for Early Teen Ministries is Pastor Ron Hosmar, who can be reached at youthpastor@calvincrc.ca.
Ministry Highlights
Early Teen Ministry
Thanks to the teamwork of George H., Jonathan P., and Pastor Craig, we’ve continued the long-standing practice of teaching the Heidelberg Catechism to our students in grades 7 and 8. Meeting every other Tuesday night while the High School students have Youth Group, the grade 7’s and 8’s gather together for a time of teaching and discussion (and sometimes a game when the lesson is finished). Covering half the catechism each year, by the end of the two years students have worked their way fully through. The classroom atmosphere is relaxed but also intentional in wanting to deepen the student’s understanding of our faith. We as teachers are frequently privileged to get to hear the students articulate their faith and understanding in meaningful ways, which is largely why we’ve continued to enjoy leading these courses each year.
Our Grade 7 & 8’s also join us when we hold our Missional Events and other fun events with our Grade 9 – 12’s.