Scripture: Revelation 2:8-11
Synopsis: Smyrna is one of only two churches in Revelation that receives no word of rebuke from Christ (the other is Philadelphia). Their biggest struggle was not some form of unfaithfulness; it was persecution. Smyrna was a hard place to follow Jesus, and as Christ indicates in v.10, it would get even harder in the days to come. Yet the seemingly audacious call of Christ upon his church in Smyrna is to be not afraid, and to be faithful–even unto death (v.10). The comfort he offers is that he sees and knows their afflictions, that he has a sovereign purpose for those afflictions, and that he will one day give them a crown of life when he returns. Whether we in Canada are ever persecuted or not, we need the same laser-like focus on the hope of eternal life in order to pursue Christ more than the comforts and pleasures of this life.