
2015-09-06: The Rescue Story

Genesis 3:1-24

This Sunday we’ll begin our fall sermon series on some of the most familiar stories of the Old Testament—the ones that are most often included in children’s story Bibles.  As children’s Bibles are used to introduce the scriptures, so this will be a fitting introduction for our new life together as pastor and congregation.  As we examine these often familiar stories, we’ll continue to highlight what the Bible is and how it ought to be read.  At its core, the Bible is not a book of rules to be followed or a book of examples to emulate; rather, it’s a rescue story.  It’s a story about a broken relationship that only God can fix.  And so we’ll see again and again how all of these stories and all of the scriptures point to what God did; what God is doing, and what God will do to rescue His children and redeem His creation.

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