Youth are vital to any church community. C.I.A. (christians in action) is a great group of youth in grades 9—12 that meets together to grow through acts of service, outreach, and leadership training.
This year we continue our initiatives that we started a couple of years ago, namely, doing different themes on different nights:
Week #1 – will be – CIA Bible Study /small groups
Week #2 – we will go into our city and do something missional in the city of Ottawa.
Week #3 – will be TACO night (take a CIA member out).
Week #4 – CIA Bible Study/small groups
Week #5 – A fifth Tuesday in a month will be reserved for Youth Leader fellowship and training – NO CIA/ETM meeting.
We have matched all our grade 9 – 12’s with an adult and they will spend one evening a month building relationships and are starting a new initiative this year by meeting in the homes of some of our congregation more regularly in the hopes that we will be more intergenerational and get to know each other better. We start our evening with a fun game for both CIA and ETM members.
The contact for Youth Ministries is Pastor Ron Hosmar, who can be reached at

Ministry Highlights
Youth Group – AKA ‘CIA’ = Christians In Action
This is the youth ministry of Calvin that consists of youth in grades 9 – 12.It’s purpose is to gather youth together for the purpose of fellowship, faith-building, ministry in our community when doable, and growing together with a mentor.
2. How often does it meet, and where?
We meet every Tuesday from 7 – 8:30 p.m. ish in the youth room of Calvin, if here, or we go out and do things in the community.
3. What do you do on/during a typical meeting time?
- We usually open with a game. Then settle into a topic of some sort.
- We end with a snack and social time.
- Once a month each youth meets with their mentor (see earlier CCE for that ministry update) to build a relationship with them.
- We also go out and do Missional Activities like: Acts of Kindness in the Community like giving away carnations, helping out in the Ottawa Food Bank, or Mission Thrift store, visiting 220 viewmount for Christmas Carols or games, or
- do something fun like bowling, or going to a home and fellowshipping there.
4. How do you think this ministry fits into the vision of Calvin “to become more passionate followers of Jesus Christ, used by God to transform lives through confident outreach, wholehearted worship, enfolding fellowship and lifelong discipleship?”
It is our hope that our youth group is not just a place to hang out and have fun, but to be a place where we are challenged to work out our salvation through the topics we discuss and then go out into the world during that week and be the Christ-like Light that God wants all of us to be. Our mentor ministry is also a way we foster discipleship for both mentor and mentee.
5. Do you have a story about how this ministry has impacted those who are participating in it?
I think certain topics hit certain youth differently. We don’t always hear how the impact is felt from our youth, but at our Graduation times we always hear that our youth enjoy the variety of things that we do and that we don’t just stay in our building.
6. How can we assist this ministry and pray for it?
Our youth are growing up in a fast-paced and changing world where truth has no real foundation any longer. Please pray for them as they navigate a sometimes hostile world when it comes to belief in Jesus.We are also looking for another male youth leader so if you are interested in getting to know wonderful youth in grades 9 – 12, please contact Pastor Ron at