What to Expect

Sunday Worship Services are held at 10:00 a.m. Please check the Events Calendar for special events or cancellations. Find out what’s on this Sunday at Calvin.

Planning your visit

Attire is up to you. Come as you are.

Parking is free beside the church. Visitor spaces are by the Merivale Road entrance.

Handicapped parking and entrance is off Gilbey Drive. An elevator is available.

Before the service

Greeters will welcome you when you arrive and can help direct you inside our church building and answer other questions you might have.

Wheelchair seating is available on the main floor of the sanctuary.

Library books and other media for both adults and children are available on the lower level before each service from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. and after the morning service until noon. There will also be a pop-up library in the fellowship hall where you can check-out selections without going to the basement library.

Accessible washrooms are conveniently located on both levels of the church.

During the service

Nursery Care  is  provided for children during the morning service. The nursery is located on the lower level.

Church School is provided for children from age 3 to grade 5 during the morning service.

Hallways will be monitored during the entire worship service when children/youth programs are in session.

Large print hymnals are available at the back of the sanctuary.

Hearing aids are available from the sound technician at the back of the sanctuary.

Bibles provided in the pews are the New Revised Standard Version.

Worship music is blended, using a combination of traditional hymns and contemporary songs, depending on the theme of the service.

Offering and welcome envelopes are provided in the pews for visitors. You can use them to receive a tax receipt for your offering or simply to request to be contacted by someone from our church.

Communion is served at least once a month. Visitors who are members in good standing in their own church, who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, and who are truly sorry for their sins are welcome to partake. Our church serves bread, as well as wrapped gluten-free bread, and grape juice.

After the service

Prayer Partners are available after each service in the front of the sanctuary on the right side of the stage by the organ. People with Blue Name Tags would be happy to pray for you confidentially for a need, or joy, in your life, or in the life of someone you may know.

Refreshments are served in the Fellowship Hall after the morning service. Come join us, and allow us the opportunity of introducing ourselves to you.

All past services are available in video or MP3 format by clicking HERE

Questions can be addressed to anyone wearing a white name tag.